Dear Pregnant Mama: Who Needs More Energy & Wants To Control The Piling Of Pounds… [92% OFF]

From Gaining A Ton Of Weight In The 1st Trimester To A Fit & Belly Only Pregnancy

This is for women who would like to safely gain ONLY the necessary weight, have a FASTER labor & be able to get back in shape SHORTLY after baby!

WARNING:  This challenge may cause an increase in energy, a strong body, tight & toned muscles & improved mood.

You may also experience muscle tone and a decrease in recovery time postpartum.

... is a revolutionary workout & nutrition plan that prevents women from gaining unnecessary pounds, strengthens the body for labor & helps them get in amazing shape SOON-AFTER baby!


Even women in the 3rd trimester & with no exercise experience {over 200,000 pregnant women} have used this revolutionary workout & nutrition plan to successfully get fit during pregnancy & ready for delivery!


Even women in the 3rd trimester & with no exercise experience {over 200,000 pregnant women} have used this revolutionary workout & nutrition plan to successfully get fit during pregnancy & ready for delivery!

Started @20 Weeks

Started @30 Weeks

Started @26 Weeks

Started @21 Weeks

Dear Pregnant Mama:

I know how hard it is to see your body change so fast…without feeling like you have the energy to do anything about it.

You struggle with the way you look all while stressing about labor and wondering,

“will I ever get back in shape?”

There’s Really Only 3 Things That Keep Most Pregnant Women Up At Night Worrying…


Piling on the Pounds

Most women don't realize that EXCESS pregnancy pounds are optional. 


The old way of treating pregnancy as a time to ‘do as little as possible,’ grow a baby and

‘eat whatever you want’ can be traced back to a time when women were seen as weak, fragile, and weren’t even given the right to vote.  


Luckily, the new pregnancy makes a TONED ‘belly-only bump’ possible even if you’ve never exercised before…


It’s NOT TOO LATE - even if you’re in your 2nd or 3rd Trimester, you can still strengthen &

prepare for LABOR - so you can wave goodbye to feeling fatigued, out of shape, self-conscious, & counting the days til' due date.

Pregnancy is a gift that can be enjoyed NOT just endured.


Unpleasant Pregnancy Symptoms

Most people believe that unpleasant pregnancy symptoms are just something you have to “put up with” when growing a baby.


The GREAT NEWS is that simple, delicious, satisfying nutrition combined with the ‘right kind of workouts’ can pretty much alleviate most pregnancy-induced symptoms such as:

  • Tiredness

  • Nausea

  • Random Aches & Pains

The truth is, it is possible to experience a glowing, toned, feel good, belly-only pregnancy without dieting, cutting out food groups, or spending HOURS exercising.


Exercise Feels Like a CHORE

Pregnancy is NOT a sickness or a time to pause...


However, there are very few safe & effective PREGNANCY-SPECIFIC programs out there … and often you get caught between two extremes.


On one hand, you have fluffy workouts and chanting that aren’t specific enough to help tone during pregnancy... or help mama’s body bounce back soon after baby…


And then there are...


The more advanced workouts that are too extreme and NOT designed to take into consideration a mama's varying levels of fitness, energy, and stamina … (so they just stay a pregnancy pipe dream).


And the pounds keep piling on leaving a pregnant mama disappointed & frustrated.


Piling on the Pounds

Most women don't realize that EXCESS pregnancy pounds are optional. 


The old way of treating pregnancy as a time to ‘do as little as possible,’ grow a baby and

‘eat whatever you want’ can be traced back to a time when women were seen as weak, fragile, and weren’t even given the right to vote.  


Luckily, the new pregnancy makes a TONED ‘belly-only bump’ possible even if you’ve never exercised before…


It’s NOT TOO LATE - even if you’re in your 2nd or 3rd Trimester, you can still strengthen &

prepare for LABOR - so you can wave goodbye to feeling fatigued, out of shape, self-conscious, & counting the days til' due date.

Pregnancy is a gift that can be enjoyed NOT just endured.


Unpleasant Pregnancy Symptoms

Most people believe that unpleasant pregnancy symptoms are just something you have to “put up with” when growing a baby.


The GREAT NEWS is that simple, delicious, satisfying nutrition combined with the ‘right kind of workouts’ can pretty much alleviate most pregnancy-induced symptoms such as:

  • Tiredness

  • Nausea

  • Random Aches & Pains

The truth is, it is possible to experience a glowing, toned, feel good, belly-only pregnancy without dieting, cutting out food groups, or spending HOURS exercising.


Exercise Feels Like a CHORE

Pregnancy is NOT a sickness or a time to pause...


However, there are very few safe & effective PREGNANCY-SPECIFIC programs out there … and often you get caught between two extremes.


On one hand, you have fluffy workouts and chanting that aren’t specific enough to help tone during pregnancy... or help mama’s body bounce back soon after baby…


And then there are...


The more advanced workouts that are too extreme and NOT designed to take into consideration a mama's varying levels of fitness, energy, and stamina … (so they just stay a pregnancy pipe dream).


And the pounds keep piling on leaving a pregnant mama disappointed & frustrated.

Started @23 Weeks

Started @28 Weeks

Started @22 Weeks

Started @15 Weeks

It Doesn’t Matter

If This Is Your First or 10th Pregnancy…

“I’m a first time mama” 

“I don't know what to expect but I'm freaking out about all the changes to my body, I'm nervous about labor & losing the lbs postpartum and I want to be able to be a fit mom after babies but don't know where to begin.”

“This is not my first rodeo”

“I didn't do my previous pregnancies right. I piled on so many pounds, didn't take care of myself and am still struggling to lose the baby weight from the past pregnancies. I want this one to be different .”

No matter which one you are...  

There IS something that can be done, and when done right, will lead to a healthy, fit, glowing pregnancy. .. Which will lead to a confident & FIT mama after baby.

My Prego Friend:

I'm going to reveal the 3-Step System I used for myself as well as 200k +women I've worked with to...

  • Pile on LESS "excess" pregnancy pounds so that losing them and getting in shape postpartum is easier and faster.

  • Reduce aches & pains in order to have a more comfortable pregnancy.

  • Increase energy so that continuing to do the day to day things... work, handling kids, prepping baby's room, etc. is easier.

  • Strengthen the body & prepare it for a good labor.

The 3-Step System To

A Healthy, Glowing & Fit Pregnancy

no. 01

The Push-Tone Method

that uses tried & proven exercise techniques that allows mama to build LEAN muscle that ignites fat burning SAFELY during pregnancy.

no. 02

The Pregnancy Nutrition Burn System

that combines the best nutrients for baby & mama in satisfying and delicious meals that keep mama energized while controlling the piling of pounds.

no. 03

The G.L.O.W Mindset

that will make any mama

enjoy and fall in love with pregnancy no matter what the obstacles are.

I know

what you're

thinking, mama...

I know what you're

thinking, mama...

How the heck am I gonna find the energy & time to exercise.  I don't even feel good.  My back hurts...  I'm nauseous...

It's hard enough to get in shape when NOT pregnant...  There's no way I can get in shape while pregnant!

I get it...

But you don’t need hours of time or months of working out. A quick easy jumpstart is the solution!


An easy to follow, totally do-able workout and healthy nutrition plan that helps pregnant mama's go from feeling out of shape, no energy, and achy to a DREAM pregnancy in 15-20 minute workouts & easy to make nutrient rich meals.

That happens to be good for baby too! 

Make this pregnancy amazing starting in the 3rd trimester

Here's What You Get:

component one:

The Push-Tone Workout Plan

The best kind of workout for pregnancy to control excess weight gain, Prep the body for labor, gain energy, tone up and reduce recovery time postpartum.

this workout plan includes:

  • Short 15-Minute Workouts (can be done at home).

  • ​Workout Guides To Make Workouts Easy To View From Any Device.

  • Detailed description of how to perform every exercise safely.

  • Safe to be started in any trimester

  • Video & pictures of every exercise.

  • Equipment needed:  Dumbbells & Stability Ball.

component two:

Your Personal Pregnancy & Baby Approved Meal Plan

Not just a regular meal plan but a combination of the best nutrients that baby needs to develop and grow appropriately all while helping mama have optimal energy and reduce piling of the pounds. 

This meal plan is filled with quick & easy recipes that are comforting and satisfying.  It is also great for helping reduce the chances of gestational diabetes and other pregnancy induced complications.

In This Nutrition Plan You Will Get: 

  • Weekly ​Calendar PDF For Meal Planning

  • ​Tons of Healthy, Delicious & Nutrient-Rich Pregnancy Safe Recipes

  • Shopping Lists To Make Grocery Shopping Easier

  • ​Meal Planning & Prepping Hacks Video

component three:

Access To A Private Community For Accountability & Support

Pregnancy is hard, don’t do it alone!  This accountability group will help even the least motivated, least "exercise experienced" mama's complete this challenge with success and feeling empowered.

Most women say... "Being a part of this group is worth the price of the entire program".

In This Nutrition Plan You Will Get: 

  • Get support from Michelle Marie.

  • Have questions?  Get them answered here.

  • Connect with hundreds of moms going through the same things. (Accountability & Support)

  •  Safe place to vent.

  • Talk about all things pregnancy, baby, and postpartum.

  • Find inspiration and motivation on days you really need it.

component FOUR:

The Pregnancy Must-Have Supplements List

Nutrition & supplementation has never been as important as now.  With food aversions, nausea and cravings, it’s close to impossible to consume all the vitamins and nutrients needed to support a healthy pregnancy and for proper development of the baby.

This short but important list WILL HELP YOU:

  • Reduce/Eliminate Cravings

  • Improve Immune Function

  • Optimize Fetal Development

  • Balance Stress Hormones To Optimize Energy & Boost Mood

  • Prevent Stretch Marks

  • Increase Energy & Vitality

  • Reduce/Eliminate Nausea

  • Reduce Inflammation (root cause of most diseases)

  • Improve Gut Health

  • Reduce Joint Pain

component FIVE:

Track Your Success -

Improve Your Results

You will get simple & easy to use daily trackers and calendars that will help you get organized, reduce the overwhelm and be able to easily complete this challenge. Pregnancy in itself is overwhelming.  These trackers will help you optimize your time & energy so that you can complete all the workouts and nutrition so that you can feel like a new mama in just a few short weeks.

You Will Be Able To Track:

  • Workouts

  • Nutrition

  • Water Intake

  • ​Your Work-Home-Mom Schedule

component SIX:

Reduce Stress-Improve Body Composition Method

Stress is one of the main culprits for hormonal imbalance, inflammation and weight gain. This method helps COMBAT those hormones to make fat burning easier and safe while pregnant while improving energy and mood.


  • Printable Worksheet

  • ​Affirmation Cards. {these helped me so much}

👀 Peek Inside the Pregnancy Challenge…


But wait there is more…..


Thighs & Butt Challenge Workout Series

I know that a lot of the weight gain goes to the hips, butt & thighs during pregnancy, this 3-day workout can be done all throughout pregnancy & is also designed to help prep the body for labor by strengthening the right parts.


Energy Boosting


Fatigue... exhaustion.. lack of motivation, I know those are one of the greatest obstacles and struggles we have during pregnancy that prevents us from doing what it takes to have a fit pregnancy. This system is designed to give you a quick burst of energy to get you through the workouts with ease.


The Affordable Home-Gym System

It's so much easier and more convenient to workout from home.  I made it simple and affordable to do so and this checklist will tell you exactly what to get and the most affordable places to get them if you don't already have them.

Hi!  I'm Michelle Marie

(Mom of 2), Fitness & Health Coach For Over 20 Years!

I've Worked With Over 250,000 Moms...

I have worked 1-on-1 with thousands of women for the last 20 + years, specifically helping women have healthy & fit pregnancies, lose their baby weight fast and helping them get in better shape than before kids.

I’m not your “average” influencer who went viral because of their pregnancy and postpartum pictures but have no formal education, I have 20 years of REAL EXPERIENCE, 11 certifications including prenatal specialist and have been featured in the media throughout the years.

I'm a busy 42- year old mama of 2 busy kids who still makes time for daily devotionals.  I love Pinterest & all things shopping.  I also love food, hate feeling deprived and believe in finding a good balance to get in shape.

Everything That's Included

  • The Push-Tone Workout Series  (value $47)

  • ​​The Pregnancy Without Pounds Nutrition Plan (value $27)

  • The Healthy Habits Jumpstart (value $27)

  • Daily Trackers & Calendars (value $17)

  • Fit Mom To Be Private Community (value $97)

Plus 3 Crazy Good Bonuses...

  • Thighs & Butt Challenge Workout Series (value $27)

  • ​​Energy Boosting System (value $17)

  • ​The Affordable Home-Gym Checklist (value $17)

Total Value: $347

— 92% OFF—

Get Started TODAY

for only $32!

Hi Michelle, I put on way too much weight after my first pregnancy-27kilos!  It took over a year to get it all off!  Second time around and pregnant with twins, I didn't want to make the same mistake.  I followed along your pregnancy program and exercised this time and I even joined your BBAPP. Postpartum program shortly after having my girls.

Its been 5 weeks and I'm already starting to feel like myself again.  Thank you so much for our programs and helping me feel good about myself.  


Our little man arrived! 10.11.18 740pm 6#12oz 5 1/2 hours of labor (with pitocin) 3 pushes, nothing for pain, and I had him on my belly 💗 

The doctor and nurses kept commenting on how great my stomach looked 💗 Thank you so much for the program and all the inspiration!! I cannot wait to get started on the postpartum program once I get clearance!


Thanks all!! I have to say Michelle Marie  if it wasn’t for the squats in the program I don’t think I could have gotten low.

Good news though baby boy officially came. I was 5 weeks early and only pushed for 20 minutes. The doctors were so surprised it was that short for a first time mom.


Pregnancy is a BEAUTIFUL, incredible gift, but it's also HARD WORK!

"I know I SHOULD be working out, even with the baby belly... but I'm swollen, uncomfortable, nauseated, and dealing with a million other yucky feelings that make it hard to get motivated"

I hear this from pregnant mama’s...ALL.THE.TIME.

Pregnancy is a BEAUTIFUL, incredible gift, but it's also HARD WORK!

"I know I SHOULD be working out, even with the baby belly... but I'm swollen, uncomfortable, nauseated, and dealing with a million other yucky feelings that make it hard to get motivated"

I hear this from pregnant mama’s...ALL.THE.TIME.

If that sounds familiar but are yet to "suck it up" &

force yourself to workout, first of all...

Give Yourself Grace...

  • Gain energy by eating a small meal every 2-4 hours composed of a lean protein, a healthy carb, some veggies and a healthy fat in about 2 meals per day

  • Take a good Vitamin B, it helps tons with energy & nausea 

  • Don’t let yourself get hungry. When you get hungry,  blood sugar is down which causes weakness, fatigue & nausea. Make sure to take some healthy snacks everywhere you go eat something every few hours even if its just a few bites

  • If you have morning sickness: put a healthy snack on your night table that can sit at room temperature

  • Every time you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, take a few bites. This will prevent the stomach from emptying which helps prevent morning sickness.

Now it’s time to do this!



about The Pregnancy Challenge

NO. 01

How Long Do The Workouts Take?

The workouts start on week 2 of the challenge, right after the 7 Day Healthy Habits Jumpstart.  and there are 5 workouts per week for 2 weeks and each lasts 15-20 minutes, so you will also get plenty rest which is just as important.

NO. 02

Can I Do The Workouts From Home?  What Equipment Do I Need?

Of course!  All you need is dumbbells and a stability ball.  Though if you don't have one, you can totally use a couch, low table or chair.

NO. 03

What If I Don't Feel Good? I Don't Have Any Energy...

As crazy as it sounds, exercise has helped thousands of ladies actually feel better... As far as energy goes, every single time women start working out, they gain more energy.  But the good thing is the workouts are short and energizing, so they won't drain anymore energy.

NO. 04

What If I Haven't Worked Out Much Before?

Most women that have done this workout have never worked out consistently.  No exercise experience is needed, and it is safe for all fitness levels. With pictures, descriptions of exercise and video demo's it's easy and simple to get through the workouts.

NO. 05

I'm An Avid "Exerciser", Can I Workout Hard?

Sure can! I did! I did these very same workouts during both my pregnancies. The workouts can be modified more or less with the weights and intensity depending on fitness level.

I show members how to do that.

NO. 06

Can I Really Tone My Body During Pregnancy?

Absolutely!  I have tried and tested dozens of workouts during pregnancy on thousands of women, and the most effective for LEANING & TONING are the workouts in the Push-Tone Workout series.


I have thoroughly studied exercise science for years and have the most accredited certifications that exist in the fitness industry, including a prenatal strength and conditioning certification.


These workouts have proven to strengthen the body in preparation for labor as well as gain visible tone even while pregnant.

NO. 07

I'm Already In The 2-3rd Trimester, Will I Still See Results?

100%... I have had ladies start at 30, even 34 weeks and still see a difference in how they look and feel.  The Push-Tone Method is so effective especially when going from not exercising for a while to doing this... the body is in such shock that the results are amazing even in a short amount of time..



NO. 08

I'm A Picky Eater, Can I Modify The Meal Plan?

What If I'm Vegetarian?

The meal plan is very flexible, you can easily make modifications and its easy to get ideas in the private FB group from other members as well as Michelle herself.


The meal plan isn't designed for vegetarians but many vegans and vegetarians have followed it using their own vegan modifications.

NO. 09

Can I Do This Without Internet Access?

Not really! You will need to login to access everything and there are so many videos with tips and instructions.


Though, the actual workouts are in PDF format and they do have clickable links to video demos, but you they also have all the reps, sets, etc and pictures of the exercises, so they can be printed.

NO. 10

How Fast Can I Expect To See Results?

Most women begin to feel more energized after about 3 days.  After 7 days, women begin to feel less bloated.

After about 14 days women begin to see the pounds level off a bit.


After the second week, the strength will be noticeable, and the aches and pains will begin to start going away.


After 21 days is when the actual tonification becomes more visible.

NO. 11

What If I'm On Bed Rest or Have A High Risk Pregnancy?

If on bed rest, no exercise should be done. 


If high risk pregnancy, there needs to be medical clearance before beginning any kind of exercise program.

NO. 11

Do I Need Special Ingredients For The Meal Plan?

Nope!  You should be able to find most ingredients in your local grocery store. 


If by chance you don't, you can always chime in to our private community and Michelle or the other mama's will help with substitutions.

NO. 12

Can I Still Do This If I've Had Miscarriages?

As long as you have medical clearance, yes.


We've had tons of ladies who've had miscarriages do this program safely.  But it is always recommended to get clearance from your doctor.

NO. 13

I'm Pregnant With Twins, Can I Still Do This?

Yep!  But make sure to consult with your Obstetrician.


We've had hundreds of Twin Mama's do this challenge and the Fit Mom To Be Program safely and get really great results.

NO. 14

I Have Gestational Diabetes, Will This Help Me?

Yes, yes & yes!

The meal plan is low glycemic (low sugar) and will help stabilize sugar.


We've had tons of prego's follow our meal plans in the challenge and then even go on to get the MMF Pregnancy Diet Plan and keep the diabetes under control even gotten better.

NO. 15

What If I Have Questions About The Workouts Or Meal Plan?

You can go in our private FB community and ask away.  The group is very active and mama's are always sharing tips and advice and Michelle is very active in the group.

NO. 16

What If I Do Yoga/Pilates/Cardio?

If you want to continue to do them, you can.


But just doing the workouts in the challenge will give you better results than the above mentioned COMBINED.

NO. 17

Do I Lose Access After The 21 Days?

Absolutely not!


You get access to the challenge forever.

NO. 18

What If I Have

Diastisis Recti?

You can still do it, safely.


There is a bonus included that shows you how to prevent it getting worse and how to start fixing it.

NO. 19

What If I Have Back/Hip Pain?

Then even more reason to do the challenge as it will help strengthen and balance the muscles that are weak and causing the pain.

Our 7-Day Fit Pregnancy Guarantee

I promise, you can totally do this challenge.  We've seen thousands of women, even the ones that didn't feel great , that didn't workout before , see and feel significant changes. You've got 7 days to start using the workouts , follow the meal plans , use the great checklists and printables and join/interact  in our amazing private Facebook Community .  


If you don't feel more energized , supported and see how continuing the workouts can totally slow the piling of pounds and even tone up and be the talk of the town because of how amazing pregnancy looks on you ... we will offer you a full refund.


 Most ladies say just being a part of the community is worth the $27. We feel confident that in 21 days you will feel more energy, start to feel less achy, gain some strength and begin to see the pounds slow down .  


If by chance you don't feel better, just shoot Lucille an email at and we will gladly revoke access to the community & challenge & give you a full refund.

It's NEVER Too Late!

Something is ALWAYS better than NOTHING!

Check out all that can be done even if after the

2nd - 3rd trimester

24 Weeks Pregnant 

  • 48 workouts

  • ​16 weeks of eating healthy

30 Weeks Pregnant 

  • 30 workouts

  • ​10 weeks of eating healthy

36 Weeks Pregnant 

  • 12 workouts

  • 4 weeks of eating healthy

 This can make a huge difference in how a prego mama looks, feels & experiences labor.  

Everything That's Included

  • The Push-Tone Workout Series  (value $47)

  • ​​The Pregnancy Without Pounds Nutrition Plan (value $27)

  • The Healthy Habits Jumpstart (value $27)

  • Daily Trackers & Calendars (value $17)

  • Fit Mom To Be Private Community (value $97)

Plus 3 Crazy Good Bonuses...

  • Thighs & Butt Challenge Workout Series (value $27)

  • ​​Energy Boosting System (value $17)

  • ​The Affordable Home-Gym Checklist (value $17)

Total Value: $347

— 92% OFF—

Get Started TODAY

for only $32!


Michelle Marie Fit Inc. - All Rights Reserved