Dear Mama Who Wants More Energy, A Speedy Labor, Less Piling of Pounds & A Fast Recovery Postpartum...

Fit Mom to Be

Get Stronger, Healthier, and Ready for Labor – While Avoiding Extra Weight and Bouncing Back Faster Postpartum!

Join 250,000 + Women In The Most Sought-After Pregnancy Community & Workout Program

Fit Mom to Be

Get Stronger, Healthier, and Ready for Labor – While Avoiding Extra Weight and Bouncing Back Faster Postpartum!

Join 250,000 + Women In The

Most Sought-After Pregnancy

Community & Workout Program

It's not too late!

No matter what trimester or fitness level it's still possible to have a HEALTHY & FIT Pregnancy!

"I only gained 22 lbs, no swelling, even though it was my 4th pregnancy."

- Amira Hafsah

"I only gained 22 lbs, no swelling, even though it was my 4th pregnancy."

- Amira Hafsah

***Join over 250,000 women who've been able to get in shape while pregnant!

Get instant access to the program

Plus, The 7 FREE Bonuses Are Amazing!

{Check them out below}

I remember getting frustrated with all the changes happening to my body.

Pregnancy is amazing, but it’s hard not to think about piling on the pounds.

But I'm here to say... even if there's only a few weeks left until baby is due, major progress can still be made.

Tons of ladies started my workouts with just a few weeks left & were still able to see significant changes.

I was able to level off my weight gain and even tone up.

MUSCLE is the secret to prepping the body for labor and having a fit pregnancy. And we've cracked the code on how to do that with The PUSH-TONE METHOD inside Fit Mom to Be.

I remember getting frustrated with all the changes happening to my body.

Pregnancy is amazing, but it’s hard not to think about piling on the pounds.

But I'm here to say... even if there's only a few weeks left until baby is due, major progress can still be made.

Tons of ladies started my workouts with just a few weeks left & were still able to see significant changes.

I was able to level off my weight gain and even tone up.

MUSCLE is the secret to prepping the body for labor and having a fit pregnancy. And we've cracked the code on how to do that with The PUSH-TONE METHOD inside Fit Mom to Be.

I remember asking myself

these questions...

  • Will I get huge?

  • Will I be able to control the weight gain?

  • Will it totally change my body forever?

  • Will it ruin my body?

  • Will I ever have a flat stomach again?

  • Will I get stretch marks? More cellulite?

  • Will I ever get in shape & be a confident momma?

  • Will I have the time or energy to exercise so I can gain less weight?

  • Will my hubby find me attractive as I get further along in the pregnancy?

Women I have worked with have said this about prior pregnancies...

  • Pregnancy totally ruined my body

  • It’s been 3 years and I still haven’t lost my baby weight

  • These stretch marks are from my babies

  • I hated being pregnant

  • People asked me if I was carrying twins my whole pregnancy

  • I looked terrible when I was pregnant

  • My body has never been the same

  • I never got my body back

I remember asking myself

these questions...

  • Will I get huge?

  • Will I be able to control the weight gain?

  • Will it totally change my body forever?

  • Will it ruin my body?

  • Will I ever have a flat stomach again?

  • Will I get stretch marks? More cellulite?

  • Will I ever get in shape & be a confident momma?

  • Will I have the time or energy to exercise so I can gain less weight?

  • Will my hubby find me attractive as I get further along in the pregnancy?

Women I have worked with have said this about prior pregnancies...

  • Pregnancy totally ruined my body

  • It’s been 3 years and I still haven’t lost my baby weight

  • These stretch marks are from my babies

  • I hated being pregnant

  • People asked me if I was carrying twins my whole pregnancy

  • I looked terrible when I was pregnant

  • My body has never been the same

  • I never got my body back


EXERCISE can have a huge impact on confidence & health during pregnancy...


EXERCISE can have a huge impact on confidence & health during pregnancy...

How Would It Feel To Only Carry The Pounds Needed,

Like I Did In Both MyPregnancies?

How Would It Feel To Only Carry The Pounds Needed, Like I Did In Both MyPregnancies?

I Have Helped Over

250,000 + Women

Get Similar Results With The Push-Tone Method

& In Only 3-4 Hours A Week!

Get Similar Results With The Push-Tone Method & In Only 3-4 Hours A Week!

I'll be completely honest... Pregnancy is no walk in the park.

Without being careful, exercising and staying conscious of food intake, it's quite easy to carry up to 40, 50, 60, 70 pounds or even more, during pregnancy.

I say this because I have worked exclusively with pregnant women for almost 10 years… I see how hard it is for them to lose the weight, get their body back and be a confident momma.

But don't lose hope, because with the right workout plan and a support system to provide accountability and motivation, it’s possible to carry minimal extra pounds. That's what most of the ladies in my Fit Mom-To- Be Workout Program have achieved.

And because there’s less to carry, there are less pounds to drop postpartum.

How good would it feel...

To walk around with a 3 month-old in pre-pregnancy jeans, at pre-pregnancy weight, feeling able to wear a bathing suit and more confident than ever?

Wouldn't that be amazing?

How good would it feel...

To walk around with a 3 month-old in pre-pregnancy jeans, at pre-pregnancy weight, feeling able to wear a bathing suit and more confident than ever?

Wouldn't that be amazing?

For Any Woman Who Has Ever

Struggled With Her Size

It is amazing, and it's not just my reality, it's become my mission to help other women experience a great pregnancy.

I have seen so many women feel so uncomfortable in their own skin and suffer so much during & after pregnancies with insecurity and their bodies...... that it ended up affecting their marriage, friendships and even work.

I knew I needed to do something.

So after coaching women for 20 years, 2 pregnancies of my own & being in the fitness/nutrition/health field..... I took all of that and the credibility from being featured in countless TV, News, Media channels & I created a workout program specifically designed for pregnant women.

For Any Woman Who Has Ever

Struggled With Her Size

It is amazing, and it's not just my reality, it's become my mission to help other women experience a great pregnancy.

I have seen so many women feel so uncomfortable in their own skin and suffer so much during & after pregnancies with insecurity and their bodies...... that it ended up affecting their marriage, friendships and even work.

I knew I needed to do something.

So after coaching women for 20 years, 2 pregnancies of my own & being in the fitness/nutrition/health field..... I took all of that and the credibility from being featured in countless TV, News, Media channels & I created a workout program specifically designed for pregnant women.

I remember how I felt when I wasn't exercising (bed rest-Placenta Previa).

I hated seeing my body everyday.....It seemed like everything grew by the day and my body felt softer and mushier......

I woke up everyday wondering if I would ever be able to get my body back.

For any woman who has ever struggled with shape, size and with confidence, please know I understand that feeling, while pregnant.

It can feel hard enough to drop pounds and feel good about ourselves even without being pregnant... Right?

I know how hard it can be to see so much change and to not want it, but feel wrong to admit it, because in the end it’s all about having a "healthy baby' isn't it?


I teach women to get the results I got; limiting pregnancy pounds to look and feel good while pregnant, and postpartum looking and feeling healthier than before… using my program, Fit Mom-To- Be!

Why Cardio, Yoga & Pilates Is

NOT Always Enough

Resistance Based Workouts & The Push-Tone Method are the most effective.

They help to build lean and toned muscle like no other type of workout, while burning more than even cardio (even during pregnancy). They're also the best for strengthening & prepping the body for labor.


That’s how long it takes for the body to adapt to the workout. It’s crucial to change this to achieve results. These 4, 6 and 12 week programs out there just won't suffice for the entire pregnancy, plus it’s easy to get tired of the same workouts.

Workouts must be challenging enough to build lean, toned muscle.

Most pregnancy programs are too vague, short and not challenging enough. Though pilates and yoga are great (and I love them), they are not as conducive to building muscle as resistance training, which is what the Fit Mom-To-Be Workouts are based on.

Workouts need to be flexible, so it can be adjusted, depending on how you feel.

I knew that when I was pregnant, I felt exhausted, fatigued, and stressed out so I needed workouts that I could get through when I didn’t feel good but that I could push when I felt better. So I created the Fit Mom-To-Be Program to be flexible.

Workouts are NOT trimester specific.

I learned this from not being able to exercise until month 5, when I had Placenta Previa. So with medical clearance, using this program, aMom-To- Be can start safely and effectively, no matter how far along she is.

We Don't Have To Wait Until "After" Pregnancy To Work On Ourselves!

There's So Much We Can Do NOW That Will Help With Pregnancy, Labor & How Fast We Recover & That's Exactly What The Push-Tone Method Inside Fit Mom To Be Does!

We Don't Have To Wait Until "After" Pregnancy To Work On Ourselves!

There's So Much We Can Do NOW That Will Help With Pregnancy, Labor & How Fast We Recover & That's Exactly What The Push-Tone Method Inside Fit Mom To Be Does!

I Did It, I Beat The Odds!

Thanks to the Push-Tone Method, I gained very little during each pregnancy, and lost all of it by my first OB check.

I ended up in the best shape of my life 3 months later.

There is no need to settle for piling on pounds, losing confidence, stamina and any hopes of having a body to love and be proud of.

It’s possible to go through pregnancy feeling confident, without"excess" pounds, having a “belly-only” pregnancy, feeling energized and then getting back to normal or better.

The workouts only take about 3-4 hours a week...

Does that sound doable?

I Did It, I Beat The Odds!

Thanks to the Push-Tone Method, I gained very little during each pregnancy, and lost all of it by my first OB check.

I ended up in the best shape of my life 3 months later.

There is no need to settle for piling on pounds, losing confidence, stamina and any hopes of having a body to love and be proud of.

It’s possible to go through pregnancy feeling confident, without"excess" pounds, having a “belly-only” pregnancy, feeling energized and then getting back to normal or better.

The workouts only take about 3-4 hours a week...

Does that sound doable?

What's Included In The 

Fit Mom-To-Be Program

This is a monthly subscription you can cancel at any time

with just an email.

no. 01

Short & Totally Doable Workouts For Pregnancy

Each month, you get a new workout to do for the 4 weeks based on the Push-Tone Method, that may be complimented with cardio.

With medical clearance, pregnant women can be assured the workouts are SAFE and can be done in any and every trimester, starting at any time.

The workouts are SHORT and totally doable, and are designed to help TONE and control pregnancy pounds to look and feel good and confident.  The program is designed to maximize muscle gain, which can help new moms get their pre-baby body back quickly, postpartum.

** These pregnancy-specific workouts are also designed to help strengthen core and back muscles to prevent aches and pains, as well as decreasing  the chance of ending up with a tough-to- lose pooch.

There are home and gym version with detailed video explanations of how to do each workout and modifications.

no. 02

Pictures Of The Workouts & Video Demo's

Workouts are viewable on any device (phone, tablet, computer, etc).

There are pictures of every exercise to help ensure they are performed safely and properly. Each exercise also has a short video demo, to show exactly how it’s done but not have to WASTE time watching a 30 minute video.

Each phase will show up monthly in the members’ area along with a video of me giving detailed instructions on how to do the workout.

Also includednutrition & supplementation tips via email.

no. 03

Private Facebook Community

This is in itself (according to thousands of women), worth the entire price of the program.

Join hundreds of pregnant women in our private Facebook group. The girls are super supportive, inspiring, and encouraging.

It's also very informative, as there are always tons of great questions and everyone shares suggestions. Members can share questions or information on anything pregnancy, not just fitness. We talk about everything!

PLUS I'm in there daily answering all questions.

Nutrition & Supplementation Tips

Because eating healthier and proper supplementation can help you get better results from the workouts, we email you tons of nutrition and supplement tips to help keep you on track and getting the most out of the workouts.

Nutrition has never mattered more than during pregnancy because it affects the baby too, so these tips are priceless.


Value of $197

Value of $197



{Includes an Energy Boosting Smoothie Recipe Guide} For Mama's that may be feeling weak, fatigued or out of energy.



For any mama who hasn't worked out before or in a long time and needs a short little intro workout to ease in to.



For any mama who can't make or find the time, this easy planner & strategy video will make it happen




Don't have a gym, or equipment, not sure what is needed to get a really good workout in at home, this is exactly what is needed.




What comfy and flattering workout clothes to use &

where to grab cheap finds.

For The Mom That Needs To Know Exactly What To Eat Without Having To Think


What to eat before & after workouts to have great energy & results

{an amazing recipe included}



The system we use to relieve pregnancy induced hip, back and pelvic pain so that working out can be easier & more comfortable.

Everything That's Included

  • The Fit Mom To Be Workout Series (value $333)

  • Nutrition & Supplement Email Vault (value $47)

  • ​​Fit Mom To Be Private Community (value $97)

  • Daily Trackers & Calendars (value $17)

  • Fit Mom To Be Private Community (value $97)

Plus 7 Crazy Good Bonuses...

  • Energy Boosting System (value $27)

  • ​​Quickstarter Beginners Workout Guide (value $27)

  • Mama-Make Time Planner (value $17)

  • The Affordable Home-Gym Checklist (value $17)

  • ​The Preggers Workout Gear Checklist (value $7)

  • The Before & After Workout Meal Checklist (value $17)

  • ​The Preggers Pain-Free System (value $37)

Total Value: $626

— 92% OFF—

Get Started TODAY

for only $29!

The Kind Of Workouts That Can...

Get You In Better Shape Than Pre-Pregnancy!

Like me and most of my clients, after doing these Fit Mom-To- BeWorkouts, it’s possible to end up with in even better shape than before pregnancy.

I definitely did!

Exercise during pregnancy and following my nutrition plan, helped me limit excess pounds and help me get back to pre-pregnancy weight more quickly…

Literally....... weeks :)

Seriously, it’s amazing what can happen with consistent exercise and with the right plan… Even during pregnancy.

Following this workout program can EASE the worry about

Putting on too

much weight



Never being able

to get rid of

pregnancy pounds

Having a pooch


I am committed to helping women have the best experience during pregnancy because it is one the most precious and amazing gifts that God gives us.

When a woman feels good about herself during pregnancy, it’s easier for her to actually ENJOY IT!

Prego's Talking About Their Results With Fit Mom-To-Be

I'm so thankful I found you this pregnancy. I've only gained 30 lbs and it's all because you, your pregnancy Workout Plan, & your recipes. My first pregnancy I gained 85 lbs. You were an inspiration to me this whole pregnancy.

Staci Otero - Mom of 2

Thank you, Michelle Marie for helping me stay active this pregnancy. Your monthly workuots were just what I needed. Here I am at 38 weeks planking, lunging and running... what a blessing. And I am 20 lbs lighter than last pregnancy.

tina west - Mom of 2

Michelle, thank you for the great pregnancy workouts. I've worked out my whole pregnancy and thanks to that, I only gained 23 lbs.

idiko varga-futo - Mom of 1

I have really enjoyed the Fit Mom to Be Workouts. I can't believe the energy I am getting from these workouts. Even when I wasn't pregnant, exercise never energized me but wiped me out.

kathryn koury- Mom

I just wanted to say how awesome your Fit Mom to Be Workouts are. It's great to have a safe, prego-friendly workout that still challenges me to try to stay healthy and fit throughout my pregnancy. Thank you for the great routines.

denise gato - Mom

I really loved the Fit Mom-to-Be Program as someone who regularly strength trains prior to getting pregnant, I wasn't sure what exercises were off limits and which were safe. As a result, I only gained 16 lbs by 7 1/2 month. I'm feeling great & carrying well.

catherine hoffman - Mom of 1

Here Are Some Comments Fit Mom-To Be Clients Have Received:

Other Momma's Results With Fit Mom-To-Be........

Check Out What Other Pregnant Moms Are Saying About This + Check Out All The " BONUSES"   You Get!

The Fit Mom To Be "Unbeatable" Guarantee

I'm so passionate about helping pregnant women to...

  • Get a toned and healthy body even if starting late in pregnancy

  • Reduce the time spent in labor

  • Help increase confidence, so feeling happy and rocking the skinny jeans and bikini becomes a reality postpartum

  • Most importantly have the energy and emotional bandwidth to spend quality time with baby and loved ones...

...That I've decided to make starting this program a NO-BRAINER

Try the Fit Mom To Be Workout Program for 30 Days. Watch the demos.Do the workouts. Show up & participate in the private Facebook Group.

If not happy with the results and not seeing how much more value I'm giving than the measly $27, simple let us know by sending an email at: and we will cancel any future payments, no questions asked.


Questions Other Moms To Be Have Asked

Before Becoming Happy Members

NO. 01

Will The Workouts Take Too Long Time?

Not at all!

All that’s needed is about 30-60 minutes, 3 times per week.