I'm so excited for you to get started!Here is Week 1 at a glance and Day 1 of your Pregnancy Workout Challenge.
Before you begin, here are some EXERCISE GUIDELINES that you will need to know.
You can click on THIS LINK to read more details about them.
I just want to make sure that your workouts are safe and effective.
What you eat BEFORE & AFTER your pregnancy workouts are incredibly important.
If you are not sure what to eat, here is a super duper short post on what to eat and I give you a freakin' delicious and easy recipe for what to eat AFTER (these pancakes are to die for),
click here.
Day 1: Full Body Workout {~20 minutes)
Day 2: Pregnancy Cardio Workout {~20 minutes)
Day 3: Toning The Arms Workout {~20 minutes)
Day 4: Pregnancy Cardio Workout {~20 minutes)
Day 5: Leg Slimming Thighs Workout {~20 minutes)
Day 6-7: Rest
Note: If you want to skip a week day workout and do it on the weekend, it's ok.
Also, if you want to do a workout and a cardio workout on the same day, that is ok too.
As long as you do all your workouts in one week, its ok.
You can also do them out of order, its just the order above is the most optimal but you will get results even if you change the order.
Do each exercise back to back.
There are 5 exercises in the circuit.
Take as little rest as you can handle.
Rest at the end of the circuit and then repeat 1 or 2 more times.
Whichever you feel up to or can handle or have time for.
Place you hands on a couch, table or chair and keep your butt close to it.
Keep your feet as far from your hands as possible.
To make it easier, bring your feet closer to your hands.
Keep your chest up and your shoulders down.
Bend from the elbows creating a 90 degree angle, then extend the elbows and go all the way up.
Squeeze your triceps (back of the arm) and then slowly and controlled go back down.
Do 20 reps.
Bend down from the hips and arch your back.
Back should be almost parallel to the ground.
Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides with arms extended.
Then pull the arms up and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Slowly extend back down nice and controlled.
Hold a pair of dumbbells in a neutral grip at about shoulder height.
Keep your chest up and shoulder blades down.
Push the arms up overhead in a controlled fashion.
I'mFully extend them and then slowly bring them back down to starting position.
Place your upper back on a stability ball and hold on to the floor with your hands.
Bring one foot up and the other foot keep it on floor at a 90 degree angle.
Bring your butt up and squeeze it.
Then lower it down by bending the hip and almost touching the floor.
Do that in a controlled fashion and then bring it up again.
If you want to take your results to another level, you can complement this workout with the PREGNANCY DIET PLAN. You will love the recipes, meals and how organized and easy to follow it is. If you are having problems with your diet or nutrition, this will help you and totally make your results that much better.
You made it through your first workout.
Now lets do a CARDIO WORKOUT.
Make sure to drink a lot of water during and after.
This shouldn't take you more than 15-20 minutes.
This is actually going to be your cardio workout for day 2 and 4!
Remember, if you want even better results, you can complement this workout challenge with a really good
Pregnancy Diet.
If you are not sure what to eat or your tired of what you're eating and you want yummy meals that are easy to make, satisfying and will help you not gain a ton of weight, you will really enjoy the
MMF Pregnancy Diet Plan E-Book.
If you really enjoy running or jogging outside or you have a treadmill, feel free to do that instead of this.
If you go to a gym or have other cardio equipment available, you may also do those.
Just make sure to do about 20 minutes.
I love these kind of cardio workouts because they are more fun and you can do them at home.
But by all means, any kind of cardio is good and can be swapped for one these cardio workouts.
If you only have time or energy for 2 rounds of this, thats ok.
If you can do all 3 rounds, even better :)
I know that it isn't easy to get up and workout when you're pregnant.
I know it takes everything out of you.
But I promise promise promise, you will feel better after.
Sooooo much better.
And the results.......... OMG, so worth it.
And the benefits........ Beyond belief.
It was hard for me too!
Especially my second pregnancy.
If you are feeling a bit discouraged and exercising is hard for you, please take a few minutes and read
I think you will find it inspiring.
At least I hope you do and I hope it give you the motivation to push through the next 2 weeks.
Here is a short video demonstration of this cardio workout.
Today we are working on the arms!
The arms seem to get big and flabby during pregnancy due to the hormones and lack of movement.
So lets focus on them today so that you can actually look FIT during your pregnancy and so that after you have the baby, it will be that much easier to get back to your old self :)
This workout is short and sweet!
It's 3 exercises and you are going to do 4 sets total.
It shouldn't take you more than 15-20 minutes.
If you still have energy after this workout, feel free to follow it with another cardio workout.
You can go outside for a walk, jog or run.
You can repeat the cardio workout from Day 2 or you can do any cardio machine for 20 minutes.
If you really enjoy running or jogging outside or you have a treadmill, feel free to do that instead of this.
If you go to a gym or have other cardio equipment available, you may also do those.
Just make sure to do about 20 minutes.
I love these kind of cardio workouts because they are more fun and you can do them at home.
But by all means, any kind of cardio is good and can be swapped for one these cardio workouts.
If you only have time or energy for 2 rounds of this, thats ok.
If you can do all 3 rounds, even better :)
Hold a pair of dumbbells in a neutral grip at about shoulder height.
Keep your chest up and shoulder blades down.
Push the arms up overhead in a controlled fashion.
Fully extend them and then slowly bring them back down to starting position.
Do 20 repetitions.
Place you hands on a couch, table or chair and keep your butt close to it.
Keep your feet as far from your hands as possible.
To make it easier, bring your feet closer to your hands.
Keep your chest up and your shoulders down.
Bend from the elbows creating a 90 degree angle, then extend the elbows and go all the way up.
Squeeze your triceps (back of the arm) and then slowly and controlled go back down.
Do 20 reps.
Stand with your chest up and shoulders down.
Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides in a neutral grip (palms in).
Bend from the elbow as if you want the dumbbell to touch your shoulders.
Squeeze the biceps (front of arms) and then lower the weights slowly and controlled.
Repeat for 20 reps.
You are almost done with Week 1.
I am so proud of you for coming this far.I hope you are feeling amazing already and that you see the
benefit in exercising during your pregnancy.
Girlfriend, this is just the beginning.
It just gets better the more consistently you exercise.
And let me tell you that it also gets so much easier to get up and get it done.
So there is hope ;)
Today, you are going to be focusing on one of the biggest trouble areas for most pregnant women.
This workout is 3 exercises. You are going to do 2-4 rounds of it.
Whichever you have the energy and time for.Obviously if you do 4 its amazing, but if you can only get 2 done, that is still great :)
Do all the exercises in a row with minimal rest in between.
Be sure to catch your breathe though between exercises.
After the 3rd exercise, rest a few seconds, catch your breath and then repeat.
Make sure to drink plenty of water and stretch after.
Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. As far as if comfortable for you.
Hold dumbbells at your side or just use your body weight.
Keep your chest up and shoulders down.
Bend from the hips and knees as if you were going to sit down.
Go as close to 90 degrees as you can.
Arch your back as you go down.
Go down slowly and controlled.
Go back up, extend your hips and knees and squeeze your BOOTY!
Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. As far as if comfortable for you.
Hold dumbbells in front of you
Keep your chest up and shoulders down.
Bend from the hips keeping your shoulders back and face forward.
Bend as much as you can without bending from the spine (back) don't round the lower back.
Imagine your hips are a hinge on a door, bend from the hip and do it slowly and controlled.
Come back up and squeeze the back of the legs and butt.
Place one leg in front of the other.
The back foot should remain on the ball of the foot
Bend down as low as you can, keeping your hips in and keeping your weight back.
Keep your chest up and stay nice and straight.
Go back up by extending the hips and knees and squeeze the back leg flute (butt) and front of leg.
Repeat for 20 reps and then switch sides.
You made it through Week 1!
This week should be easier for you.
You are half way there, you got this.
Just think of how good this is for YOU and for your BABY!
Today we are doing aFULL BODY WORKOUT.
The circuit has 4 exercises.
Do them in a circuit fashion with minimal rest in between.
Rest at the end of the 4th exercise, recover and repeat.
You can do the circuit 3-4 times.
If you feel up to it and you have time, you can do 20 minutes of cardio of after.But don't worry if you can't, you are doing some tomorrow ;)
Bend over from the hip.
Arch your back and keep your back almost parallel to the ground.
Keep your chest up and arms at your sides holding the dumbbells.
Grip the weights with thumbs in.
Pull your arms up and make 2 big 90 degree angles and squeeze your back.
Then slowly and controlled, lower the arms.
Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. As far as if comfortable for you.
Hold dumbbells at your side or just use your body weight.
Keep your chest up and shoulders down.
Bend from the hips and knees as if you were going to sit down.
Go as close to 90 degrees as you can.
Arch your back as you go down.
Go down slowly and controlled.
Go back up, extend your hips and knees and squeeze your BOOTY!
Grab a barbell or dumbbells and stand with them by your thighs.
Chest up and shoulder blades down.
Pull the arms up as pictured here.
Keep the elbows up and wrists straight.
Slowly and controlled, lower the arms and weights.
Place one leg in front of the other.
Bend one leg as if going to do a lunge.
Bend the hips and bring your body weight forward.
Keep your chest up.
Arch your back.
Bring the back foot forward a little and shift your body weight forward a tad.
Tap your foot on your hand and then bring that back foot back to the beginning position.
The movement is a rather fast motion.
One that is easy to follow and the meals are delicious..........
If you are not currently following one, check out the
MMF Pregnancy Diet Plan, I think it will help you tons :)
It's a CARDIO DAY today!
You only need 15-20 minutes.
Can you do that?
Remember, if you would rather go to a gym or a group class for your cardio that is totally ok!You can also go outside for a jog.
I just like these CARDIO HIIT WORKOUTS because they are fun, they go by so much faster and I don't have to go any where.
Make sure you have eaten some protein and carbs at least an hour before you workouts and that you have your post-workout meal or smoothie for after.
If you are having a hard time sticking to eating healthy, and you want to step it up and make sure you don't gain excess weight and that your baby is healthy, you may want to check out the MMF Pregnancy Diet Plan.
Do this Cardio Workout today and on Day 9 of your workouts.
You can do this today and another type of cardio on day 9.
Or you can do this workout both days, or you can do any cardio both days.
You should be so proud of yourself.
Listen, I know how hard it is to get going and moving when you are pregnant.
I know how tired you feel.
But exercise is not just helping you prevent excess WEIGHT GAIN.
It's not just helping you to be able to lose your baby weight faster after.
It's also, believe it or not, helping you have more energy, better moods and less aches and pains..
I would say, the few minutes a day you are investing in exercise are well worth it.
What do you think by now?
I really hope you feel that its worth it.And I hope that you will want to continue.
The ladies that do my complete pregnancy workout program (Fit Mom-To-Be), get the most amazing results.
They are the ones that enjoy pregnancy the most and have less complications.
Anyhow, today we are working on the ARMS! NO FLABBY ARMS in this pregnancy.
It's just 3 exercises in this circuit.
It's going to take you about 15 minutes.
Start with your arms in front of you holding a pair of weights.
Palms facing your legs.
Keeping your chest up and your shoulder blades down, lift your arms to shoulder height.
Keep the arms as straight as you can, a very slight bend in the elbow.
Nice and controlled, bring the arms back down to the starting position.
Bend over from the hips and keep your chest up and shoulder down.
Back should be almost parallel to the ground.
Hold a pair of dumbbells in a neutral position (palms in)
Lift the arm a little and from the elbow, extend the arm and squeeze the triceps (back of arm).
Bring the arm back to beginning position and repeat.
Grab a barbell or dumbbells and stand with them by your thighs.
Chest up and shoulder blades down.
Pull the arms up as pictured here.
Keep the elbows up and wrists straight.
Slowly and controlled, lower the arms and weights.
Pregnancy Workout Challenge Day 10
Let's Work On Toning & Lifting The Butt!
You made it!
Holy moly!
I am so proud.
I hope you see that it doesn't have to be overwhelming.
You don't have to workout for hours to see results and feel good.
I hope you are motivated to continue.
I hope you proved to yourself that you can do it.... For YOU and for your BABY!
I want to encourage you and challenge you to continue to exercise for the remainder of your pregnancy.
You can't even begin to understand how good for you and the baby it will be.
I exercised until the day before I went into labor (twice).
If you have no idea what to continue doing and you want to make sure you do something that is safe and effective, you can try the
Fit Mom-To-Be Workouts.
You can get monthly pregnancy workouts from me for the remainder of your pregnancy.
This way you won't have to worry about what to do or not do.
You will be accountable to me and I will ensure you have a healthy and fit and safe pregnancy.
You won't gain a lot of weight, you won't feel uncomfortable and you WILL lose your baby weight super fast.
I can't wait to see you inside the program.
Click here to read up on my awesome and super effective Pregnancy Workouts.
Anyhow, on to your very last workout for this challenge.
For real....... I'm beyond proud of you for completing this.
Our last workout we are focusing on our "trouble area"..... The HIPS & BUTT!
Stand somewhere you can hold on to a wall, chair or anything.
Pivot your foot out and bend from the hip like pictured here.
Bring the other leg up as much as you can and open up the hip.
Bend the knee and bring your leg back as if you wanted your heel to touch your butt.
Then extend the knee and leg all the way out and squeeze the side of your flute (butt).
Repeat 20-30 times.
Stand on one leg and bring the other leg slightly off the floor.
If you need assistance, stand somewhere you can hold on to.
Bend from the hips and knee as if doing a regular squat.
Keep your chest up and shoulders down.
Go as low as is comfortable.
Then extend the hip and knee and squeeze the glute (butt).
Place your upper back on a stability ball and hold on to the floor with your hands.
Bring one foot up and the other foot keep it on floor at a 90 degree angle.
Bring your butt up and squeeze it.
Then lower it down by bending the hip and almost touching the floor.
Do that in a controlled fashion and then bring it up again.
You got this :)
It will be the best investment of your life.
If there is ever a time to be healthy and focus on your fitness, its during pregnancy because its not just for you, its for your baby as well.
I look forward to staying in contact with you inside the
Fit Mom-To-Be Workout Program.
If you do it, please send me your bump picture.
I have accumulated so many great ones and then the quick recover pictures are amazing to compare.
We can always stay connected through my
Pregnancy Facebook Page.